Handicraft Heaven: Revealing Tanutra’s Top Picks for Home Décor

With Tanutra, you may enter a world of exquisite artisanal design where each item narrates a tale of India’s rich cultural legacy and artistry. As supporters of Indian handicrafts, we take great pleasure in choosing the best home décor pieces to infuse your living areas with Indian culture. Come see some of our top options for home décor from Tanutra, where each piece honors the artistic heritage of India.

Intricately Carved Wooden Furniture:

Tanutra’s exquisite collection of intricately carved hardwood furniture will complement your home’s interior style. Every piece, from finely carved coffee tables to complex bed frames, is created by talented artisans using age-old traditions passed down through the generations. These works of art are magnificent examples of craftsmanship, adding a touch of timeless beauty to any living space.

Bright Tapestry & Textiles:

With our colorful tapestry and textile selection, you can add personality and color to your house. Every item, from wall hangings with delicate embroidery to handmade rugs, celebrates India’s rich textile legacy. Allow these textiles to take center stage in your design, lending coziness and individuality to any space.

Ceramics & Pottery Made by Hand:

With the help of our carefully chosen selection of handcrafted items, discover the beauty of artisanal pottery and ceramics. Every piece, from hand-painted vases to elaborately glazed bowls, exemplifies the distinct skill and artistry of Indian potters. With these classic finds, you may infuse your house with a hint of genuine rustic charm.

Handcrafted Wall Art and Sculptures:

Our sculptures and wall art are made by hand and are intended to bring individuality and visual intrigue to your house. Make a statement. Every artwork, from hand-painted murals to beautifully carved wooden panels, is a tribute to India’s rich artistic past. Allow these creative works of art to become focal points and discussion starters for your interior design


At Tanutra, we think that home décor reflects our cultural identity and heritage and is more than just an aesthetic choice. We cordially welcome you to infuse your house with the warmth, beauty, and authenticity of India through the carefully chosen handicrafts and artisanal treasures we provide. Take a look at our collection and start your inspirational and educational trip now.

2 thoughts on “Handicraft Heaven: Revealing Tanutra’s Top Picks for Home Décor”

  1. Pingback: Exploring India's Beauty: Handicrafts, Home Decor, and More with Tanutra - Indian Manufacturers

  2. Pingback: Exploring Indian : Handicrafts, Home Decor, and More with Tanutra - Hazoro - Guide to Healthy Lifestyle

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